• A true story of a family and town's effort to save a beloved and heroic dog named Semper Fi. The father, a Captain in the US Marines and his homemaker wife, contend with the not so earth shattering problems of their twin, fifteen year old daughter and son as well as the antics of their precocious six year old daughter. Their lives tumble along, as most families do, until they must face the grave diagnosis of their faithfully and very loved Golden Retriever, Semper Fi. The family cannot afford the expensive surgery the dog needs. The children jump into action with a plan, spear headed by the fifteen year old daughter. They plan a community yard sale, donating all of their most prized possessions. The family's grumpy neighbor plays an unlikely and unexpected part in the ultimate success of the fund raising. Before Semper goes in for his surgery, he displays a heroic act that almost ends his life. The story unfolds during the holiday season.
  • 一位年轻的女子和她的男友一起前往森林中照料她姐姐的房子。然而,很快他们意识到房里另有其人,于是一场残酷的家中入侵开始了 
  • 声名大噪的男演员凯文事业顺风顺水,却因一次意外在野外失踪,苏醒的他发现自己在一个偏僻到没有手机信号的屋子里,而这里住着一个年轻貌美的女人和一个“哑巴”男人,女人悉心照料他,但凯文始终觉得这儿的一切都没这么简单...
  • 一位年轻的女子和她的男友一起前往森林中照料她姐姐的房子。然而,很快他们意识到房里另有其人,于是一场残酷的家中入侵开始了。
  • 有钱夫妇平时喜欢玩一些有关于性的游戏来增加他们的性生活乐趣。但当他们遇到另外一对比较保守的夫妻,则需要更加努力去制定新的性游戏规则,来取悦新的伴侣。简而言之,这对夫妇的性玩乐变得更具有挑战性了@优质资源库
  • A young couple's sex acts are witnessed by a young man through a hole in the wall. When the wife seduces him, they engage in an illicit affair. Chaos ensues when the husband learns about them.