• 杀人魔王杰森(凯恩·霍德尔 Kane Hodder 饰)在犯下了数不清的命案后终于迎来了属于他的大结局,在警方强大的火力攻势之下,杰森倒下了。然而,就在众人以为这位凶残无情的连环杀手命归西天之时,杰森却借由着验尸官的身体复活了。警方发现,杰森能够通过和他有着血缘关系的亲戚的身体复活,于是将重点保护的目标放在了他的姑姑戴安(爱琳·格雷 Erin Gray 饰)和表妹杰西卡(卡里·基冈 Kari Keegan 饰)的身上。遗憾的是,戴安最终没有能够逃脱杰森的毒手,但杰西卡凭借着强大的意志力和惊人的运气和杰森血战到了最后。作为唯一一个拥有彻底消灭杰森的力量的人,杰西卡能否终结这个萦绕了多年的噩梦?
  • 棺材2

    After years on the run, the mystery man known as Trick is back, but not on his own terms. Trick finds himself trapped in a cage with four other hostages - all of them paralyzed from the neck down. When Trick realizes that one of the other hostages is an old foe, Detective Epperson, the two begin working together to uncover the connection between them and their captor - a masked man they suspect is the infamous Deathstalker Killer. Meanwhile, Agent Bobby Church of the FBI is investigating Epperson's disappearance and discovers the detective vanished while he had been following a lead in the Deathstalker case. The search soon has Church crossing paths with Epperson's former partner, Scott, himself looking into the abduction of his friend, Olivia. After Scott and Church discover cellphone pictures of Olivia in the cage with both Trick and Epperson, they know they must race against the clock to find the location of the cage before time runs out, and the hostages are executed one-by-one.